Footnotes: For  Doctrine of Justification See Abraham believed God

1. The Smalcald Articles, II,1; Book of Concord, 292.
2. “Rector et judex super omnia genera doctrinarum,” Weimar Edition of Luther’s Works (WA), 39, I, 205.
3. It should be noted that some Lutheran churches include only the Augsburg Confession and Luther’s Small Catechism among their binding confessions. These texts contain no condemnations about justification in relation to the Roman Catholic Church.
4. Report of the Joint Lutheran-Roman Catholic Study Commission, published in Growth in Agreement (New York: Geneva, 1984), pages 168-189.
5. Published by the Lutheran World Federation (Geneva, 1994).
6. Lutherans and Catholics in Dialogue VII (Minneapolis, 1985).
7. Minneapolis, 1990.
8. “Gemeinsame Stellungnahme der Arnoldshainer Konferenz, der Vereinigten Kirche und des Deutschen Nationalkomitees des Lutherischen Weltbundes zum Dokument ‘Lehrverurteilungen— kirchentrennend?’,” Okumenische Rundschau 44 (1995): 99-102; including the position papers which underlie this resolution, cf. Lehrverurteilungen im Gesprach, Die ersten offiziellen Stellungnahmen aus den evangelischen Kirchen in Deutschland (Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1993).
9. The word, “church,” is used in this Declaration to reflect the self-understandings of the participating churches, without intending to resolve all the ecclesiological issues related to this term.
10. Cf. “Malta Report,” paragraphs 26-30; “Justification by Faith,” paragraphs 122-147. At the request of the U.S. dialogue on justification, the non-Pauline New Testament texts were addressed in Righteousness in the New Testament, by John Reumann, with responses by Joseph A. Fitzmyer and Jerome D. Quinn (Philadelphia; New York: 1982), pages 124-180. The results of this study were summarized in the dialogue report “Justification by Faith” in paragraphs 139-143.
11. “All Under One Christ,” paragraph 14, in Growth in Agreement, pages 241-247.
12. Cf. Luther’s Works, American Edition 32:227; Weimar Edition 8:106.
13. Cf. Denzinger-Schönmetzer, Enchiridion Symbolorum 1528.
14. Cf. Denzinger-Schönmetzer, Enchiridion Symbolorum 1530.
15. Cf. Apology II:38-45; Book of Concord, 105f.
16. Cf. Denzinger-Schönmetzer, Enchiridion Symbolorum 1515.
17. Cf. Denzinger-Schönmetzer, Enchiridion Symbolorum 1515.
18. Cf. Denzinger-Schönmetzer, Enchiridion Symbolorum 1545.
19. Cf. Dei Verbum 5.
20. Cf. Dei Verbum 4.
21. Condemnations of the Reformation Era, 27.